"> Thermoprogrammable furnaces | IGIC BAS

Thermoprogrammable furnaces

Contact person:

Assoc. Prof. Delyana Manasieva

e-mail: manasieva@svr.igic.bas.bg
tel. +359 2 979 39 04

Assist. Prof. Lubomir Aleksandrov
tel. +359 2 979 35 88
+359 2 979 39 01

Assoc. Prof. Diana Rabadjieva,
e-mail: didiarab@svr.igic.bas.bg
tel.+359 2 979 35 54

model: VP 02/17 Czech Republic

Name of the unit: High temperature laboratory furnace
Served thematic areas:Material Science (Heat treatment of materials to 1600oC, Controlled thermal treatment regime – raising the temperature of preset speed, retention time at given temperatures)

Year of manufacture: 2010