"> Announcements | IGIC BAS


Post-doc in the field Physical Chemistry

  • RESEARCHER PROFILE Recognized Researcher (R2)
  • TYPE OF CONTRACT Temporary
  • JOB STATUS  Full-time


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
is hiring 1 postdoc researcher in the field of physical chemistry

Job description

The postdoctoral researcher will deal with the identification of surface ABn species and the determination of their structure. Two kinds of ABn species will be addressed: (i) geminal species formed by adsorption, where A is a surface site and B is a ligand, and (ii) surface structures in which the atom A is a guest and the B atom is typically oxygen.
Characterization will be performed mainly by vibrational spectroscopy, but adsorption and catalytic properties will be also studied.

The postdoctoral researcher may contribute by his or her experience with synthesis of porous materials and oxides systems,  post-synthesis modification, spectroscopic characterization and determination  of catalytic, adsorption and related properties.
The researcher shall actively participate in a conference,  seminar, or workshop organized by the receiving institution at least once in  every six months.


– Ph.D. or its foreign equivalent awarded not earlier than 7 years before the beginning of the mobility,

– over the past 3 years, the candidate has spent a minimum of 2 years (as of the beginning of the mobility) outside Bulgaria working as a  researcher;

– over the past 3 years the candidate has published a minimum of  12 papers (as of the beginning of the mobility) in journals indexed in Thomson  Reuters Web of Science or Scopus databases.

The winning candidate should not be employed by another  university or similar institution as of the commencement date.

Place of work

Institute  of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, akad. G.  Bonthev str., bld. 11, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria.

What we offer

  • 12-month fixed-term employment with a possibility of prolongation
  • expected commencement date: May 2022
  • full-time work (8 hours/day)
  • gross monthly salary: 1 600 BGN

The application must contain:

  • Application form (filled in)
  • A copy of university diploma
  • A copy of PhD diploma
  • A certificate on a English language exam passed during the  studies or a statement of the institution from which the candidate graduated
  • A list of publications in journals indexed in Web of Science  and/or Scopus.
  • A brief description of the research
  • A motivation letter including a description of the benefit for the receiving institution.
  • A letter of recommendation of the previous supervisor or the head of the department or team where the candidate worked

Other documents that candidate considers are relevant to the application.

All of the documents must be submitted in English or Bulgarian. A uthenticated copy will be required from the winning applicant.

he application, including the attachments, must be sent electronically  by 09 May2022 to info@svr.igic.bas.bg
with a copy to khadjiivanov@gmail.com. Please use the word “Adonis” in the  subject line. For big attachments please use separate mails.

Selection procedure will end before 17 May 2022 and the results will be published at the website of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (https://www.igic.bas.bg/en/home-3/). In addition, each candidate will be notified for the decision by E-mail.

RESULTS: Selected candidate – Dr. Vera Butova

Dear Colleagues,

The Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF) open a call for applicants to submit proposals in the National Scientific Program “Petar Beron. Science and innovations with Europe”- 2021. If you are eligible to apply for this program and have an interest in carrying out researches at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IGIC-BAS), please contact us to guide you in the details of the program and to find a supervisor.

The overall objective of the program is to accelerate reintegration and career development in Bulgarian higher schools and research organizations of experienced researchers with internationally recognized scientific results. The researcher can be of any nationality. No age restrictions apply. The researcher must have moved or has moved from another country to the territory of Bulgaria. The researcher may not have resided or carried out his / her main activity (work, research, etc.) in Bulgaria for more than 12 months within the 3 years immediately before the application deadline.

The indicative budget for funding projects for the call 2021 is BGN 960 000. It is distributed among the 8 scientific panels proportionally to the share of submitted eligible proposals for the corresponding panel.

The budget per proposal depends on the duration of the project and is calculated as up to BGN 5 000 per month.

The Peter Beron and WE Scholarships provide financial support to researchers involved in international mobility in eight scientific fields. Applicants must indicate at the application stage in which of these areas the topic of their research falls:

  • Chemistry(CHE)
  • Social Sciences and Humanities(SOC)
  • Economic Sciences (ECO)
  • Information Science and Engineering(ENG)
  • Environment and Geosciences(ENV)
  • Life Sciences(LIF)
  • Mathematics(MAT)
  • Physics(PHY)

The deadline for submitting project proposals is September 30, 2021.

More information, full text of the invitation and documents for participation are published on the official website of NSF as follows:

in Bulgarian: https://www.fni.bg/?q=node/1336

in English: https://www.fni.bg/?q=node/1337


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Assoc. Prof. Eli Grigorova, tel. +359 2 979 25 63; e-mail: egeorg@svr.igic.bas.bg

Assoc. Prof.  Lyubomir Aleksandrov, tel. +359 2 979 39 01; e-mail: lubomir@svr.igic.bas.bg

Dear Colleagues,

due to the upcoming call of The Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF) for applicants to submit proposals in the National Scientific Program “Petar Beron i NIE” (P. Beron), please read below its short description. If you or any of your surroundings are interested in applying a scientific proposal for this program to carrying out researches at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IGIC-BAS), please contact us to guide you in the details of the program and to find a supervisor.

Short description of the program:

Emphasis– reintegration and career development in Bulgarian universities and research organizations of experienced researchers with internationally recognized scientific results.

Eligibility requirements for candidates:

– must be an experienced researcher;

– the researcher may be of any nationality. No age restrictions;

– cannot have resided or carried out his/her main activity in Bulgaria for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the call deadline. Periods of inactivity in research (e.g. unemployment, periods of non-research employment, maternity leave or sick leave) are not taken into account;

– The researcher must move or have moved from any country to Bulgaria where the beneficiary is located.

Remuneration of the researcher (including insurance contributions and other payments of the employer): 3,800 BGN per month;

– Costs related to scientific activities and scientific management of the project: 650 BGN per month;

– Administrative management and institutional costs: 550 BGN per month.

Upcoming announcement of the program – August 2020

Deadline for submission of the proposals – September 2020

The program Peter Beron is for 7 years, and every year during this period a call for proposals will be announced. If the applicant does not meet the requirements, he/she can apply in the following years. The call this year 2020 is the second one of the program.

The proposals should be submitted electronically at: http://pb.stko.eu

Project implementation period: The duration of the project is between 12 and 24 months.

More details can be found at the link: http://www.fni.bg/?q=node/956


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Assoc. Prof. Eli Grigorova, tel. +359 2 979 25 63; e-mail: egeorg@svr.igic.bas.bg

Lyubomir Aleksandrov, tel. +359 2 979 39 01; e-mail: lubomir@svr.igic.bas.bg

within the project proposal
“Mechatronics and Clean Technologies"



Annex 1- Application Form – Associated Partner
Annex 2a – Declaration of no conflict of interest by the Associated Partner;
Annex 3a – Declaration on joint activities carried out with Associated Partners;
Annex 4 – Evaluation and selection methodology



Based on item 12.3 of the Guidelines for applicants under the project proposals selection procedure BG05M2OP001-1.002 Creation and development of centers of competence (the Guidelines) under Operational program “Science and education for smart growth” 2014-2020, Investment Priority 1 “Research and technological development” and in connection with the forthcoming preparation of the application form, the IEES and others initiate a selection procedure for associated partners.

The selection aims to recruit associated partners who are interested in the project and will participate in the implementation of activities under it, but will not spend money from the grant as under the conditions of item 12.3 of the Guidelines: „The expenditure incurred by the associated partners will not be eligible for reimbursement under the Operational Program“.

Additional information about the operational program and the specific conditions for application can be found at the following address: http://sf.mon.bg/?go=news&p=detail&newsId=411.

General conditions of participation

Any interested economic operator (legal entity) that meets the below mentioned requirements can participate in this procedure.

Associated partners will be ineligible where they:

а) Have a member of the management or supervisory body, or a person temporarily performing such duties, including procurators or commercial agents, that are in close links within the meaning of §1 (1) of the Supplementary Regulations to the Conflict of Interest Prevention and Ascertainment Act with regard to the Head of the Managing Authority;

b) Fall within the cases referred to in Articles 21 or 22 of the Conflict of Interest Prevention and Ascertainment Act.

Successful applicants will be included as associated partners in the joint preparation and/or technical implementation of the project or pre-project activities requested.

Key evaluation criteria

All applicants involved in this proceeding will be evaluated in accordance with the points system specified below, according to its legal organizational form.

I. Candidates for associate partners, who fall within the scope of the definition of “research infrastructure” set out in item 15 (ff) of the Framework for State aid for research and development and innovation (2014/C 198/01) (the Framework) will be evaluated according the following criteria:

1. Publications in scientific journals and books, refereed in SCOPUS and WoS.
2. Number of ERC grants, coordinator positions  in FP7 or Horizon 2020.
3. Registered patents and patent applications in WIPO, European and/or USA patent offices.
4. Number of innovative firms (spin outs, spin-offs) in the area of the proposal – „Mechatronics and clean technologies”.

II. Candidates for associate partners, who are “business organisations“will be evaluated according the following criteria:

1. Number of Partnerships with other research organizations.
2. Investments in the relevant project area, respective science domain/domains, applicable to the project.
3. Existence of an innovations strategy, including existence of intellectual property policy and rules.
4. Participation in current and/or completed innovation projects (national and European) in the last five years (2011-2015).

Method of candidates’ assessment

The candidates for associate partners will be evaluated by a commission appointed for this purpose and the first five candidates that receive the greatest number of points as a sum of scores given the above indicators will be invited for an interview, where all the details of the potential partnership will be discussed.

The interview will not be part of the methodology for evaluating the candidates and will only be of an informative nature.

If necessary, the commission may at any time require form the candidates additional documents, information, explanations and evidence of their circumstances.

How to apply

The set of documents that the applicants for associate partners should submit must contain all of the above documents, including an Inventory of the documents submitted and administrative information about the candidate – in according with the sample attached – an original document or a certified copy with a stamp " True to the original “, signature, stamp of the applicant and copy.

Application documents are accepted every working day from 9:30 hours to 17 hours until 15.01. 2017 at building of Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems – BAS, located in the city of Sofia “Acad. G. Bonchev” str., bl. 10.
e-mail: CoC_IEES@iees.bas.bg

The procedure in stage

Beginning: 15.11. 2016

End: 15.01. 2017

The list of the candidates that have submitted documents for participation, as well as the list of the approved candidates and the marks obtained, will be published by 15.01.2017 on the Internet Sites: www.iees.bas.bg and http://www.jic-bas.eu/

For additional information

Name, surname and title: Iveta Boshnakova, secretary

Organization: “Acad. Evgeni Budevski” Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy System – BAS

Phone / Fax: +359 (2) 8722 543

e-mail: iees@bas.bg

The document can be downloaded from here: