"> Anton Naydenov – IGIC BAS


IGIC-BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., bl.11, office 503


Call: +359 2 979 25 36

Email: naydenov@svr.igic.bas.bg

Anton Naydenov

Prof. PhD, Head of laboratory

Link to:

Scientific interests:

Reaction kinetics and mechanism of heterogeneous catalytic processes for application in environmental protection.
Development of catalytic systems for purification of gases, containing volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide and ozone.

Selected publications:

  1. R. Velinova, R, S. Todorova, S, B. Drenchev, , G. Ivanov, M. Shipochka, P. Markov, D. Nihtianova, D. Kovacheva, A.V. Larin, A. Naydenov,
    Complex study of the activity, stability and sulfur resistance of Pd/La2O3 -CeO2 -Al2O3 system as monolithic catalyst for abatement of methane”,
    Chemical Engineering Journal, 368, 2019, 865-876.
  2. Stefanov, P., Todorova, S., Naydenov, A., Tzaneva, B., Kolev, H., Atanasova, G., Stoyanova, D., Karakirova, Y., Aleksieva, K.
    On the development of active and stable Pd-Co/γ-Al2O3 catalyst for complete oxidation of methane”.
    Chemical Engineering Journal, 266, 2015, 329-338
  3. Tzaneva, B.R., Naydenov, A., Todorova, S.Zh., Videkov, V.H., Milusheva, V.S., Stefanov, P.K.
    Cobalt electrodeposition in nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide for application as catalyst for methane combustion”. Electrochimica Acta, 191, 2016, 192-199.
  4. Naydenov, A., Konova, P., Nikolov, P., Kligstedt, F., Kumar, N., Kovacheva, D., Stefanov, P., Stoyanova, R., Mehandjiev, D.
    Decomposition of ozone on Ag/SiO2 catalyst for abatement of waste gases emissions”.
    Catalysis Today, 137, 2-4, 2008, 471-474.
  5. Markova-Velichkova, M., Lazarova, T., Tumbalev, V., Ivanov, G., Kovacheva, D., Stefanov, P., Naydenov, A..
    Complete oxidation of hydrocarbons on YFeO3 and LaFeO3 catalysts”.
    Chemical Engineering Journal, 231, 2013, 236-244.

Professional career:

  1. 1986

    Chemical Engineer, specialty “Technology of Inorganic Compounds”

    UCTM – Sofia
  2. 1986


    ZPPHIM, Blagoevgrad
  3. 1987


    Central Institute for Chemical Industry, Sofia
  4. 1990


    IGIC - BAS
  5. 1996

    PhD in kinetics and catalysis

    IGIC - BAS
  6. 2003

    associate professor

    IGIC - BAS
  7. 2013

    Professor in kinetics and catalysis

    IGIC - BAS

International cooperation:

  • Abo Academy, Turku, Finland
  • IHTM – Belgrad, Serbia