"> Christina Tzvetkova-Vassileva – IGIC BAS


IGIC- BAS, Akad. G. Bontchev, Str., bl. 11, 304


Call: + 359 2 979 3570

Email: hrisi@svr.igic.bas.bg

Christina Tzvetkova-Vassileva

Assist. Prof. Dr.

Link to:

Scientific interests:

  • Phytoextraction of metals from soils and waters. Phytomining of rhenium. Recovery of waste products from mining and ore processing industry;
  • Spectrophotometric and Atomic absorption spectrometry analysis of environmental and industrial samples.

Selected papers:

  1. O. Bozhkov, Chr. Tzvetkova, L. Borisova, B. Briskin,
    „Phytomining: New Method for Rhenium Production“,
    Advanced Materials & Processes 170 (5), 2012, 34-37;
  2. L.V. Borisova,V, A. Ryabukhin, O. D. Bozhkov and Kh. Ts. Tsvetkova,
    “FieldDetermination of Rhenium in Plants Using Catalytic Test Methods with Dimethyldithiooxamide and Sulfonitrazo P“,
    Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 65 (5), 2010, 535-541;
  3. Stoyko Gyurov, Nikolay Marinkov, Yoanna Kostova, Diana Rabadjieva, Daniela Kovacheva, Christina Tzvetkova, Galia Gentscheva, Ivan Penkov,
    “Technological scheme for copper slag processing”,
    International Journal of Mineral Processing, 158 (2017), pp. 1–7.

Professional career:

  1. 1991

    Master's degree in chemistry, “ Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry”

    Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski"
  2. 1992

    Research chemist in Laboratory “Inorganic Salts”

  3. 2012

    Assistant in Laboratory “Analytical Chemistry”

  4. 2016

    PhD in analytical chemistry