"> Delyana Manasieva – IGIC BAS


IGIC – BAS, Acad. Georgi Bonchev, str. bld.11, room 323


Call: (+ 359) 2 979 39 04

Email: manasieva@svr.igic.bas.bg

Delyana Manasieva

Assoc. Prof. Dr.


Scientific interests

  • Crystallization
    and sedimentation methods for synthesis of inorganic salts – hydrates and mixed
    crystals; Physico-chemical analysis of water-salt systems; Complexometry in
    various variants, neutralization analysis, iodometry, etc.;
  • Electrochemical
    experiments with model battery cell – hybrid, lithium and sodium cell;
  • Matrix
    infrared spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy;
  • Inorganic
    crystal chemistry and X-ray diffraction analysis.

Selected publications

  1. Marinova,D.M.,Kostov, V.V., Nikolova, R.P., Kukeva, R.R., Zhecheva, E.N., Stoyanova, R.K.,
    Redox properties of alluaudite sodium cobalt manganese sulfates as high-voltage electrodes for rechargeable batteries ”,
    Chemical Communications, 54 (2018) 5466-5469.
  2. Marinova, D.Kukeva, R., Zhecheva, E., Stoyanova R.,
    Selective Sodium Intercalation into Sodium Nickel-Manganese Sulfate for Dual Na-Li-Ion Batteries ”,
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (2018) 12755-12766.
  3. Marinova,D.M., Kostov, V.V., Nikolova, R.P., Kukeva, R.R., Zhecheva, E.N., Sendova-Vasileva, M. B., Stoyanova, R.K.,
    From kröhnkite- to alluaudite-type of structure: easy synthesis of novel sodium manganese sulfates with electrochemical properties in alkaline ion batteries ”,
    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 44 (2015) 22287-22299.
  4. Marinova, D., Karadjova, V., Stoilova, D.,
    Infrared spectroscopic study of SO42− ions included in M′2M′′(SeO4)2⋅6H2O (Me′ = K, NH4+; M′′ = Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) and NH4+ ions included in K2M(XO4)2⋅6H2O (X = S, Se; M = Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)”,
    Spectrochimica Acta A, 134 (2015) 526-534.
  5. Stoilova, D., Marinova, D., Georgiev, M.,
    Hydrogen bond strength in chromates with kröhnkite-type chains, K2Me(CrO4)2·2H2O (Me = Mg, Co, Ni, Zn, Cd)”,
    Vibrational Spectroscopy, 50 (2009) 245-249.

Professional carrier:

  1. 2002

    Master, specialty "Chemistry and physics" - pedagogical profile

    SU "St. Kl. Ohridski”
  2. 2004


  3. 2010

    Assistant Professor

  4. 2011

    PhD in „Inorganic chemistry“

  5. 2012

    Assist. Professor

  6. 2019

    Assoc. Professor, „Inorganic chemistry“



  1. Bulgaria
    International School on Introduction in the Rietveld structure refinement
  2. Spain
    Electrochemical characterization of sodium model batteries, program ERASUM+,, University of Cordoba