"> Ivanka Spasova – IGIC BAS


IGIC-BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev str., bl.11, room 315


Call: +359 2 979 35 66

Email: ispasova@svr.igic.bas.bg

Ivanka Spasova

Prof. PhD

Link to:

Scientific interests:

  • Design of new effective nanoscale mesoporous and
    composite materials.
  • Investigation of catalysts and adsorbents for  control of emissions containing greenhouse
    gases, volatile organic substances and nitrogen oxides.
  • Adsorption-textural studies of porous materials

Selected papers:

  1. I. Spassova, M. Khristova, D. Panayotov, D. Mehandjiev, “Coprecipitated CuO-MnOx for Low-Temperature CO-NO and CO-NO-O2 Reactions”
    Journal of Catalysis, 185 (1) (1999) 43-57.
  2. I. Spassova, M Khristova, R. Nickolov, D. Mehandjiev,
    “Novel application of depleted fullerene soot (DFS) as support of catalysts for low-temperature reduction of NO with CO”
    Journal of Colloid Interface Science 320 (1) (2008) 186-193.
  3. I. Spassova, N. Velichkova, D. Nihtianova, M. Khristova,
    “Influence of Ce Addition on The Catalytic Behavior of Alumina Supported Cu-Co Catalysts in NO Reduction with CO”
    Journal of Colloid Interface Science 354 (2) (2011) 777-784.
  4. I. Spassova, N. Stoeva, R. Nickolov, G. Atanasova, M. Khristova,
    Impact of carbon on the surface and activity of silica-carbon supported copper catalysts for reduction of nitrogen oxides,
    Applied Surface Science 369 (2016) 120–129.
  5. N. Velikova, I. Spassova,
    Amine functionalized mesoporous hybrid materials: Influence of KCl and xylene on the textural characteristics and CO2 sorption“,
    Journal of  Sol-Gel Science and Technology 91 (2) (2019) 374-384

Professional career:

  1. 1989

    Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, major in Organic Synthesis and Fuels Technology

  2. 1999

    Doctor of Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

  3. 1999

    Chief Assistant, major in Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

  4. 2012

    Associate Professor in Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis