"> Ralitsa Velinova – IGIC BAS


IGIC–BAS, Acad. Georgi Bonchev" str. bld.11, room 523


Call: + 359 2 979 3571

Email: raligeorgieva@svr.igic.bas.bg

Ralitsa Velinova

Assos. Prof., PhD

Link to:

Scientific interests:

  • In the field of
    inorganic material science and environmental chemistry.
  • Synthesis
    of new materials
  • Instrumental
    methods of analysis


  1. A. Detcheva, R. Velinova, A. Manoylova, E. Ivanova,
    Study on the Colouration of Bulgarian Late-antique and Medieval Archaeological Glass Finds by a Validated Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Procedure”,
    Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B 58(5)  (2017) 217–225.
  2. R. Velinova, S. Todorova, B. Drenchev, G. Ivanov, M. Shipochka, P. Markov, D. Nihtianova, D. Kovacheva, A.V. Larin, A. Naydenov,
    Complex study of the activity, stability and sulfur resistance of Pd/La2O3– CeO2-Al2O3 system as monolithic catalyst for abatement of methane“,
    Chemical Engineering Journal 368 (2019) 865–876.
  3. S. Todorova, A. Naydenov, R. Velinova, H. Kolev, A. V. Larin, D. Stoyanova, M. Shopska, K. Tenchev, P. Stefanov,
    Pd–MeOx/Al2O3 (Me = Co, La, Ce) catalysts for methane combustion”,
    Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 126 (2019) 663–678.
  4. M . Gancheva, R. Velinova, P. Konova, P. Stefanov, R. Iordanova, A. Naydenov,
    On the stabilization of the oxidized state of palladium by CuWO4 for application as catalyst in abatement of C1-C4 hydrocarbons emissions”,
    Materials Research Express 6(8) (2019) 085554.

Professional experience:

  1. 2001

    Master's Degree, Chemical Engineer, Specialty Silicate Materials

    University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria
  2. 2010

    PhD in Technology of silicates, binding compounds and high melting non- metallic materials

  3. 2008

    Chemist in laboratory of Analytical chemistry

  4. 2010

    Chief Assist. Prof., Specialty Analytical chemistry


Specializations abroad:

  1. Portugal
    University of Aveiro