"> Tina Dilova – IGIC BAS


IGIC-BAS, akad. G. Bontchev str., bl. 11, room 501


Call: +359 2 979 25 54

Email: tina@svr.igic.bas.bg

Tina Dilova

Assist. Prof., PhD

Link to:


Scientific interests:

XPS, surface analysis, thin films, nanostructures, gas sensors

Selected papers:

1.  T. Dilova, G. Atanasova, A. Og. Dikovska, G. V. Avdeev, P. Stefanov, N. N. Nedyalkov,
„Gas-sensing properties of metal-oxide nanostructures produced by PLD,“
Proc. SPIE 11047, 20th International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications, 110470G (29 January 2019)

2.  T. Dilova, G. Atanasova, A. Og. Dikovska, G. Avdeev, M. Machida, M. Terakawa, P. Stefanov, N. N. Nedyalkov,
Effect of Pd-decoration on the sensing properties of ZnO nanostructures,
Thin Solid Films, 693 (2020)

Professional carrier:

  1. 2005


  2. 2007

    M.Sc./Еngineer Physicist/

    Sofia University, Faculty of Physics
  3. 2009 - 2017

    PhD student

  4. 2020

    PhD, speciality in Solid State Chemistry