Experimental equipment
- Apparatus for automatic determination of specific surface and pores
- Catalytic microreactor system with mass spectrometer
- Equipment for thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis
- Electronic paramagnetic resonance spectrometer
- Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
- Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer
- Infrared Spectrometer
- High-resolution transmission electron microscope
- Lyophilizer
- Microwave decomposition system
- Multi-Channel Galvanic Cycling Apparatus
- Planetary Ball Mills
- Spray Dryer
- Thermoprogrammable furnaces
- Titrator
- TPR / TPD device
- UV-Vis spectrometers
- Vacuum drier
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
- X-ray Powder Diffractometer
The Institute has basic and specialized equipment for synthesis and characterization of inorganic materials. Different apparatuses and unique installations allow the application of different methods for obtaining inorganic substances, single crystals and thin films, study of phase diagrams, electrochemical and catalytic properties, X-ray diffraction analysis, spectroscopic characterization and theoretical modeling.